Decision Tree RegressorDecision Tree is both classification and regression problem solving algorithm.Jul 3, 2021Jul 3, 2021
Gradient Boostingit is one of the most powerful techniques for building predictive models.Jun 26, 2021Jun 26, 2021
L1 and L2 RegularizationRegularization is a technique used for tuning the function by adding an additional penalty term in the error function. The additional term…Jun 25, 2021Jun 25, 2021
Introduction to Random ForestRandom Forest works on classification and Regression both problem statement.Jun 23, 2021Jun 23, 2021
Decision Tree with Gini indexIf you don’t know about the Entropy follow this blog.Jun 21, 2021Jun 21, 2021
Introduction to Decision TreeA decision tree is a decision support tool that uses a tree-like model of decisions and their possible consequences, including chance event…Jun 20, 2021Jun 20, 2021
Introduction to Logistic RegressionIn statistics, the logistic model is used to model the probability of a certain class or event existing such as pass/fail, win/lose…Jun 20, 2021Jun 20, 2021
Naive Bayes ClassifierBefore going into depth of Naive Bayes, let’s talk about the his name,Jun 17, 2021Jun 17, 2021